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scholarship No deadline

Scholarship program for exhibition organizers | Austria

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Deadline: June 16, 2017
Duration: September 4, 2017 – January 31, 2018

das weisse haus sees in the education and application of relevant content and practical skills an important task and has therefore launched a program, which encourages the education of young curators and exhibition producers. This can be realized with the generous support of Phileas A Fund for Contemporary Art.

This is a scholarship with a duration of five months. You are involved in the exhibition program as well as in the studio and residency program. In addition to that, an own project has to be realized within that period in form of lectures, a symposium, talks or an innovative exhibition project outside the premises of das weisse haus (in public space, the internet…) with a budget of approximately EUR 500. Due to the small team of das weisse haus, it is possible to gain insight into all domains. In addition to the curatorial work the organization and administrative tasks like press relations, supervision of social media channels and website, support of the setting up and art education are important components of the program – a hands-on experience. As a bonus, the participant is able attend at all events that are organized for the Artists in Residence (such as trips to Linz, Graz, Bratislava or Krems – with guided exhibition visits by curators). Thereby the participant is given the chance to increase his/her network. Das weisse haus for Graduates provides an extensive insight into various tasks and structures of a young cultural institution.  The cooperation enables an intercultural exchange with local and international artists and curators. Regular meetings with mentors who are working in Vienna will be a part of the program as well.

Scholarship  The grant receives a scholarship of 5,000 Euros. Insurance, travel and accommodation costs must be paid by the participant.

Target group  The five-month program addresses students, which have almost finished their studies or have graduated within the past three years. Part of the program is the realization of an own project at das weisse haus. We look specifically for applicants with a large self-commitment, responsible behavior and pleasure to work with a small team and also with young artists. We are looking for applicants with excellent German and English language skills. 

Time period  September 4, 2017 – January 31, 2018

More info:

das weisse haus
Hegelgasse 14
1010 Vienna