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A curators guide to grants and funding

A Curator’s Guide to Grants and Funding

#Funding Opportunities


Securing funding is a cornerstone of a successful curating practice. Whether organizing exhibitions or spearheading curatorial projects, access to grants and sponsorships is indispensable. In this guide to curatorial grants and funding, we’ll explore selected resources across various themes, offering insights and opportunities to empower curators in pursuing financial support for their projects.


Crafting Compelling Applications

Articulating your vision and project goals effectively is crucial when applying for funding. Here are resources that offer guidance on writing compelling grant applications and communicating your curatorial vision with clarity and impact:

The Art of Applying for Art Funding: This article by Beech House Media offers valuable insights into crafting successful grant applications. It provides practical advice on finding compelling narratives, developing project budgets, and addressing selection criteria to enhance your chances of securing funding for your curatorial endeavors.

Grantseeking Basics for Individual Arts: Candid’s comprehensive guide offers essential tips and strategies for seeking arts grants. Learn how to research funding opportunities, develop project proposals, and communicate effectively with funders to secure support for your curatorial projects.


Navigating the Application Process

Navigating the application process requires a strategic approach and a keen understanding of the requirements and expectations of funders. The following resources offer guidance on navigating the application process efficiently and effectively:

Art Grant Application Guide: Format Magazine’s in-depth guide uncovers strategies for effective grant applications. From identifying potential funding sources to crafting application materials and navigating submission procedures, this resource equips curators with essential tools and insights to streamline the application process and improve their chances of success.

Grants for the Arts 101: A Practical Beginner’s Guide: This practical guide by Achates Arts gives beginner-friendly advice on applying for Arts Council funding for the first time. Explore step-by-step instructions, tips for preparing application materials, and insights into the application process.

Art Curators Association Fundraising Webinar: This recorded webinar “How Curatorial Projects Get Funded: Navigating the Institutional Machine” by the Association of Art Museum Curators charts concrete steps curators can take to garner funding support. Gain expert advice on effective fundraising strategies tailored specifically for curators. 


Finding Government Grants and Public Funding

Government grants and public funding are crucial sources of support for curators. These resources often provide substantial financial backing for cultural initiatives, exhibitions, and preservation efforts. Here’s a list of government grant programs and public funding sources tailored for curatorial projects and initiatives:


Tapping into Private Foundations and Philanthropy

Private foundations and philanthropic organizations play a significant role in supporting the arts. These entities provide grants and sponsorships to cultural institutions and individual curators, fostering creativity and innovation within the art community.

Alume Network: Types of Funding for Arts: Discover an array of funding opportunities tailored for artists and creatives in the UK through the Alume Network, including grants from private foundations and philanthropic donors.

Wimbledon Art Studios: Art Grants and Funding Opportunities Tips: Gain valuable insights and practical tips on navigating the world of art grants and funding opportunities, including strategies for engaging with private foundations and philanthropic donors.


Navigating International Funding Landscapes

International funding opportunities offer curators access to a global support network for their artistic endeavors. Whether you seek funding for cross-cultural collaborations or international exhibitions, these resources facilitate artistic exchange and collaboration.

European Commission’s Funding Guide for Cultural and Creative Sectors: Navigate the intricate landscape of European funding opportunities with this indispensable guide. Explore grants and support mechanisms tailored for cultural and creative projects across the EU.

Fractured Atlas: Artist Grants Introduction for First-Time Applicants: Are you new to the world of grant applications? Dive into this beginner-friendly guide by Fractured Atlas, offering practical insights and tips for aspiring grant recipients.


Exploring Critical Perspectives on Arts Funding

As demonstrated, arts funding is a complex landscape that warrants critical examination. Delve into the edition of On Curating, Issue 58 – Speculations: Funding and Financing Non-Profit Art. This issue uncovers the complex economic foundations of art production and curation through insightful essays and critical reflections. From analyses of non-profit art funding to innovative economic frameworks in the arts, these thought-provoking contributions offer diverse perspectives for contemplation.


Securing funding grants and sponsorships is essential for realizing ambitious curatorial projects and fostering artistic innovation. By leveraging the curated resources highlighted in this article, curators can confidently navigate the complex funding landscape and empower themselves to bring their creative visions to life.


Image credits: Alexander Ward via Unsplash